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Feb 6 - 7th  2016

Yunke de Calathea




Sirius was born 03.05.2014 and was breed by Domingo Chavez Martinez 

 Calathea Kennel, Spain.

        Teeth: Full and correct scissor bite.

Zaragoza International Dog Show , "Pirineos Aragon Winner"

Our Sirius - Yunke de Calathea - after a succesful weekend, got the following results:


Saturday February 6 th (National Point) :  1st. Excellent, CAC, BOB, BIG 2  "Pirineos Aragon Winner"  

 ( Under Spanish specialist judge Francisco Javier Naranjo, Group X finals by Britihs Judge Mark Cocozza)


Sunday February 7 th  (International Point) 1st. Excellent, CAC, CACIB, BOB, "Pirineos Aragon Winner"                                     ( Under judge Arne Foss (Norway)


JWW Ch Yunke de Calathea,  International Zaragoza Dog Show
2x 1st Excellent  2xCAC   CACIB  2XBOB  BIG 2
PEDIGREE Yunke Calathea

PEDIGREE Yunke Calathea

Joven Campeon Mundial (JWW, Milan 2015)
Montpelier 2015, BOB, BIG2

Montpelier 2015, BOB, BIG2

Mundial Milán BOB

Mundial Milán BOB

Mundial Milán JWW

Mundial Milán JWW

Mundial Milán 2015

Mundial Milán 2015

Talavera de la Reina BIG3

Talavera de la Reina BIG3

Mundial Milán JWW

Mundial Milán JWW

Mundial Milán

Mundial Milán

Mundial Milán 2015

Mundial Milán 2015

Mundial Milán 2015

Mundial Milán 2015

Mundial Milán 2015

Mundial Milán 2015

Valladolid 2015, BOB

Valladolid 2015, BOB

Valladolid 2015 BOB

Valladolid 2015 BOB

Talavera de la Reina BOB

Talavera de la Reina BOB

Montpelier BOB, BIG2

Montpelier BOB, BIG2

Talavera de la Reina BIG3

Talavera de la Reina BIG3

7 meses

7 meses

7 months

7 months

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